
Elevate Your Content: Davinci Resolve Reels Template V2.0 + Exclusive Mini Course

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Elevate Your Content: Davinci Resolve Reels Template V2.0 + Exclusive Mini Course

6 ratings

The Ultimate Davinci Resolve Template for Reels: Version 2.0

V1.0 was downloaded by thousands.

V2.0 is finally here, and it's next-level in every way.

Learn how to work smarter, not harder. Seriously.

This V2.0 template has been crafted from the ground up to maximize:

  • efficiency
  • productivity
  • organization
  • creativity
  • workflow

Once you've mastered this premium template, you'll find it impossible to revert to "the old way."

Features of the Davinci Resolve Template for Reels V2.0:

  1. 7 asset bins to keep your content organized and ready to cut immediately.
  2. 7 color coded/labeled timelines:
    • IG REELS 30 FPS
    • TIK TOK 30 FPS
    Dual Functionality:Work on short form and long-form content within the SAME project file. Simply click on the desired timeline and begin cutting footage.
  3. Audio Enhancement:
    • Dynamics and EQ curves added to the voice track for clarity. Can be disabled.
    • Premixed levels for vocals, music, and SFX to ensure your music track won't overshadow your voice track. Can be disabled.
  4. "Mini Effect" Adjustment Layers (for 30 FPS timelines only):
    • Key-framed blurs for text and graphic overlays
    • Fast camera refocus effects
    • Snap-ins / Snap-outs
    • Zoom blurs
    • Short and long zoom ins/outs
    • White/black cards for plates, titles, and infographics
    • Small, medium, and large text cards with customizable font and color
  5. Auto Captions Preset:
    • Generate on-screen captions identical to those used in my reels with a single click. Customize font/color to your preference.
  6. Mini Video Course:
    • Part 1: Template for Reels V2.0 Full Walkthrough (15 minutes)
    • Part 2: Template for Reels V2.0 Customizing and Installing Presets (5 minutes)



Who is this template right for?

Content creators: Beginner to Advanced

Whether you are just looking to get started in the creator economy, or you are a seasoned pro who finds yourself repeating similar processes over and over again every time you cut a new piece of content, this template is for you.

I’m brand new to Davinci, will the course teach me how to edit?

No. This is simply a template and a walk-through course that teaches you know how to utilize it. A basic understanding of editing in non-linear editing applications is necessary to get the most out of V2.0!

What will this template provide?

At its absolute core, the Davinci Template for Reels V2.0 is designed for content creators. It is a set of organized asset bins that help set and establish a regular routine every time you begin a new edit.

You simply drag all of your assets into the appropriate bins before starting so that you are organized and can find your content easily as you work through your edit.

Timelines are preset for IG, TikTok, and YouTube and color coded/labeled to help your process and workflow.

The more familiar you are with your organizational setup, the faster you’ll become. This template eliminates the need to organize your assets from scratch every time. Instead, it helps develop a familiar routine that you can rely on time and time again.

It also features “extras” such as the mini effect adjustment layers and the on-screen subtitle preset!

Does the auto caption preset work with the free version of Davinci?

The preset works, but unfortunately, auto captions themselves are not included in the free version of DR. You must apply your own captions, then you can use the preset.

If you have the studio version of DR, then you’re good to go all around!

What can I expect from this template?

  • An efficient workflow enabling you to focus more on your audience and less on editing time.
  • An organized project file for a consistent editing routine.
  • A streamlined process for increased productivity.

Can this template be customized further?

Yes! It can be an all-in-one, ready-to-go setup or a starting place for customization. Adjust audio effects, fonts, folder names, etc., to fit your style.

Do the mini effects work on any footage?

They work on 30fps timelines, but not all effects work on 24fps timelines. Ensure your footage matches the required frame rate.

What is included with V2.0?

You'll get:

  1. Official Radice Template V2.0 (.drb file)
  2. 2-part mini video course
  3. Radice subtitle preset
  4. Official font used in all my content
  5. Example clip shot in my studio to test the mini effects with and become familiar with the template


A note from Cameron:

Developing a personal brand with over 200K dedicated followers across IG and TikTok in less than a year has been quite the adventure. I wish I had made this template sooner. It wasn't until I saw how popular V1 was that I decided to take it to the next level. I've been using this exact template for every reel I produce for months now, and I can say, without question, that it's doubled or even tripled my productivity. This template has streamlined my entire process, and I hope it does the same for you. Let's get at it!

~Much love, Cam.

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You'll receive the official Radice Template V2.0 DRB file, a 2-part mini video course, my instant subtitle preset, official font file, and an HD example clip to test out the mini effects and become familiar with the template

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